"El Grito"

El “Grito” is an expression that originated back in the 1800s during the Mexican War of Independence. It was a battle cry for nuestra gente to rise up and retaliate against the Spanish. After what la gente has gone through and still continues to go through, the tradition of this interjection remains more alive than ever. It's a feeling of relief.

Thus, El Grito was born. The expression has a significant meaning and history behind it; which is why we chose the name. We dedicate this brand 100% to la gente and we’re here to represent. We pledge to be the voice of la gente, we are “EL GRITO”

The Origins

The History

El Grito emerged during the winter of 2022. However the original name was, “Hell’s Wardrobe”. Hell’s Wardrobe started up in 2020 through 2022. It ran a good 2 years with an incredible amount of support with multiple successful drops (such as Nature, Life & Death, Pa Mi Gente, etc.) After building up a community of hardcore supporters, the name was changed officially to “El Grito”. The brand took a different turn in the name because we wanted to fully dedicate it to our people.